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Bibliography/Notation Editing & Crosschecking



Bibliographies and notes are essential parts of your academic work.  Bibliography/notation editing includes a light-medium edit; crosschecking your bibliography with your end notes/footnotes to insure consistency; verifying sources when able through online reference sources; and providing DOI (digital object identifier) numbers when available.  Most publishers require these numbers to insure proper indexing of your work.




Light Edit (Basic edit)



A light edit includes corrections to spelling, capitalization, punctuation, hyphenation, abbreviation and indisputable errors in grammar, syntax, and usage. I will highlight areas that are lengthy, wordy, awkward, or unclear and bring your attention to inconsistencies, suspected errors, and terms that may be new to readers.  





Medium Edit (substantive edit)



A medium edit is a substantive edit.  In other words, in addition to all of the corrections made in the light edit, suggested definitions and  references will be given for factual inconsistencies and suspected errors when possible. As with the light edit, I will query lengthy, wordy, awkward or unclear passages. In addition, I will highlight areas that may need work when it comes to the overall organization of your work and gaps in logic.




Heavy Edit (developmental edit)



A heavy edit is what is often called a "developmental edit." In addition to correcting mechanical editing and providing references and definitions, I will suggest revisions for areas that are awkwardly constructed and verify references and revise factual inconsistencies and suspected errors. I will also fix areas that have faulty organization and gaps in logic.




Proofreading (available after a manuscript has completed the above editing)



Proofreading is done after completing the original editing and includes corrections to spelling, formatting, spacing, capitalization, punctuation, and hyphenation. 


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